Would You Choose Download Or Instant Play?

Slotastic Casino

If you were to visit a casino you hadn't been to before, and you wanted to sign up to play there, how would you choose to play? Would you go for the software download or the instant play option?

We thought we'd look at both those options here. After reading our views, maybe you'll decide to go one way rather than the other.

Choosing to download casino software

If the casino is a reliable and trustworthy one, this is often the best option. The download only needs to be completed once; after that, you're good to access the casino via the software whenever you like. You should also make sure the software is provided by a reputable company. Big names such as Microgaming are good to look for here.

When you download software, you're not at the mercy of your internet speed. This can make instant play games a bit 'sticky' occasionally. You might also find the downloaded casino has more games than the online version, simply because more games are typically available via the software.

Choosing the instant play option

This is a good option if you are new to a casino and you want to give it a try first. If you like it, you can then go ahead and download the software if you want to. Providing you have Flash, which is how these instant play games work, you will find it easy to get started - and faster too.

This is also a good option if you use more than one computer to play games on. If you went for the download option, you'd need to download the software onto each device. However, with instant play, you just need to visit the casino via your browser to get started.

Which is the best option for you?

This question doesn't have a set answer. Only you can decide whether you want to download casino software or use the browser Flash version. It can also depend on how many casinos you want to join. The more you sign up for, the more software you will download if you do go down that route. That can be a problem.

Finding the best solution for your needs is a question of going through the options. Think about how you play… and how often. Which method is going to make the most sense for you when you play?